
Project 365

I am jumping into a HUGE project and I am very excited about it. Project 365 will document our life over the next year. A photo a day, it can't be that difficult right? My hope is that this will give us a glimpse into our daily life, that we will find more gratitude in the things that we have and see how truly blessed we are. I hope this will make us slow down and find the little things in life that make us happy and content. Finding the Joy in our Journey..........the sun shining after days of rain, a great report card, the diet coke that tasted just right, or getting to sleep in on a Saturday morning. I am sure we will have many big milestones along the way but each day I want to capture the small things, the important stuff!

Enjoy each day with us on our journey through 2009..........


Deb Lamb said...

What ever possessed you to take on such an endeavor? I love it, but I don't know if I could actually follow through with it. Most of my projects are just wishful thinking:)

The Zouns said...

Good Luck, it will be fun to watch your year in progress.

Tina said...

Sounds like a great idea. It will be a treasure!

Jeremy Saunders said...

I know you can do it Katie, you were always such an awesome scrapper! What a great idea...hmm...nah, I would be like Deb, wishful thinking. Maybe a page a month?

Katie Hughes Photography said...

Who said anything about scrapbooking it :). The pictures along with some notes will go into the binder. It will be fun to watch it come all together. I have my picture for today and my kids are on board to help. They think it will be fun too. I can't wait to see some of their photos and their perspective on life.